Jungmin Lee
Jungmin Lee
Jungmin Lee

Hello! I'm Jungmin, a Product Designer passionate about simplifying complex processes through practical design.

Hello! I'm Jungmin, a Product Designer passionate about simplifying complex processes through practical design.

My work spans various disciplines, focusing on creating seamless user experiences that align with organizational goals.

My work spans various disciplines, focusing on creating seamless user experiences that align with organizational goals.

A Foundation for Growth
Leading the Creation of a Design System for Brand and Product Unity

Creating a design system with enhanced accessibility, consistency, and ease of use, setting a foundation for future growth through team collaboration. Our redesigned system treats components as the ultimate source of truth, allowing for seamless updates to assets and production code across the board. This saves us a lot of time and helps make sure everything works well together.

Merit | Design Systems

Revamping Merit's Org Portal
Enhancing User Experience in Digital Credential Management

The Org Portal is an essential part of Merit's services. It offers a flexible platform that lets organizations easily handle their credentials and share data, fitting the needs of different fields. This helps Merit achieve its goal of making digital processes smoother. Designing a product to boost user experience through a self-service model minimizes Customer Service reliance and increases efficiency and satisfaction.

Merit | Web

Easier, Faster, Better
Leading the Member App's New Look

Redesigning the mobile app focused on a seamless Home Screen experience, driven by user feedback for straightforward access. The redesigned Member app introduces streamlined check-in and check-out processes with QR codes. This update saves time and enhances overall usability, ensuring a user-friendly and more convenient app interaction for everyone.

Merit | Mobile

Merit Check-in
Smart Management with Digital Check-In Solutions

Redesigning a kiosk to help disaster response teams better. It's easier and safer to manage volunteers and resources when emergencies happen. The new design makes checking in quick and helps people talk to each other in real-time. This means volunteers can do their jobs better, and communities facing emergency situations receive necessary support more promptly.

Merit | Kiosk & Web

Educational Savings Account App
Bridging the Gap in Educational Opportunities

Designing a web and mobile app to help families connect with critical educational funding. This tool simplifies families' reimbursement of educational costs swiftly and effortlessly. The app helps families better support their children's education by making it easier to handle education money.

Merit | Web & Mobile

© 2024 Jungmin Lee.